Tuesday, December 28, 2010

TUXEDO Connect String - Dynamic load balancing

TUXEDO Connect String
The TUXEDO Connect String is designed for advanced configuration to support dynamic load balancing. You can specify a free-form connect string that allows a client to connect to another application server in case another is either down or being used to full capacity. The following sections provide the description of and syntax for the connect string options.
Round Robin Load Balance
This option specifies multiple application servers to which the client will arbitrarily connect. The odds being that each application server will receive an equal number of connections. To specify the round robin, use the following syntax (where ip = IP Address and port = port number):(//ip1:port1//ip2:port2//ipn:portn)
You can specify the IP Address using either dotted notation or by using the server's DNS name. Regardless of which convention you use to enter the address, the slashes (//) preceding the IP Address are required.If the application server selected is unavailable, your connection attempt will fail and the system will not try to connect you to the other application servers defined within the parentheses.Spaces must not be embedded in any part of the connection string. PeopleSoft will automatically remove embedded spaces before storing the value in the registry.
Round Robin with Failover
Similar to Round Robin Load Balance, this option allows you to define a failover connection string. To specify this option, use the following syntax (where ip = IP Address and port = port number):
If the application server selected from the first group of parentheses (ip1 and ip2) is unavailable, the system will automatically attempt to connect to an application server defined in the second group (ip3). If that application server fails, the system will attempt to connect to the next group to the right, sequentially.If multiple application servers are defined within any group, the system will round-robin between them. If the selected application server fails, the system will attempt to connect to the next application server to the right, if any. The following are three separate examples, showing a range usage:
Max No of accepted char is 1000…

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