Tuesday, December 28, 2010

PS Query Permissions/Security in Peoplesoft

In Peoplesoft we cannot give access to any query directly like we provide it for components. user should have access to all the records in the query to access a particulary or use that record to create a query. Permission to the records needs to be provided first.
Private queries are visible to only those users who has created that query. query needs to be created as public for other users to access (given that they have access to all the records used in the query). security/permission to records are provide through query security tree and access groups.
In Query Tab of the Permission list set of query permission are present.
1) Access Group permission
2) Query Profile
Access group permission: This contains the list of the Access groups (nodes) in a particular query tree (it contain records that can be accessed) that a permission list has access.
Provide tree name and query access group here to get access to all records under query access group in this tree.
Tree Name and the Access group name needs to be entered.
Query Profile:
1)PeopleSoft Query
2)PeopleSoft Query Output
3) Advanced SQL Options
properties under each of these sections are set.
This defines what user can basically do with PS query.
PeopleTools > Security > Permission > Roles Permission Lists
Managing the query security tree
Query trees are accessible in Query Access group manager and not under the Tree manager.
PeopleTools > Security > Query Security > Query Access Group Manager.
Different trees for different category. Eg:- HR, BEFEFITS_ADMIN (contains BEFEFIT related records).
Each Leaf in the Tree corresponds to one record in this query tree.
Record is not Visible in PS Query ?
Add this record in the tree under the access group to which your primary permission list has access. (Query access group component)
Add the access to your Tree and access group in which this record is present.

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